Saturday, November 26, 2011

Just Who Is Oana, Anyway?

The "Just Who" Tour Continues. In Oana's own words:

Healing through laughter is not a dream, but a recipe for survival
If you were to read a book about Oana's life, you might easily decide it was a work of fiction. 
Born in Bucharest, Romania, Oana lived twenty years under the grotesque dictatorial regime of Ceausescu. After the fall of communism in 1989 she studied languages at the University in Bucharest, then received her Master’s degree at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland. English is her third language. 

She has worn many hats, working as a translator, as a teacher, and eventually caring for animals both domestic and wild.
Volunteering in both the U.S. and Canada, she worked for wildlife rescue and rehabilitation centers.

Currently residing in Arizona, Oana continues to dedicate most of her time to her animals and to writing.  
Her first book, The Healings, debuted in November 2010. It is a hard-to-put-down, laugh-out-loud series of adventures of an eccentric duo: a man and his feline partner walking from ‘healer’ to ‘healer’ and hoping to achieve awareness.
Oana’s take on depression is simple and effective: witticism and laughter coupled with the understanding of the frailty of human nature help us heal. An animal companion, real or imaginary, can be very therapeutic as well.
Many a reader – depressed or not -- will recognize the insanity of most of our daily routines and the elusiveness of Truth.
Oana’s current projects include a memoir titled, Romanian Rhapsody, a children’s book, Dr.Schnauzer and Nurse Lhassa, as well as other stories, all written in the same witty humorous style.      
She is also an active member of Central Phoenix Writing Workshop
 and a co-host of Two Unsychronized Souls Radio Show 
To learn more about Oana, visit her author’s website  
To read excerpts from The Healings go to


  1. As my co-host on our Two Unsynchronized Souls, I can say in all truthfullness that Oana is not merely a fine author but a great human being as well.

    By the way, love that talking cat!

  2. A great overview of Oana and her fascinating books!
